- On some versions of Dragon's Lair the programmers left a secret Easter Egg that
allows you to have unlimited lives. To access it, wait for the Attract
Mode to begin, then hold the joystick UP + LEFT and press the SWORD button while inserting your
quarters. Release the joystick and then select 1 player. You will
now have unlimited lives until you complete the game.
- If you lose your last
life on the "Wizard's Kitchen" scene, when Dirk's skeleton crumbles down, the
bottle with the "Drink Me" sign is missing and replaced with prototype artwork of a loaf of
bread and a sign that says "EAT ME".
- If you lose your last
life on the "Wizard's Chamber" (cauldron) scene, when Dirk's skeleton crumbles
down, the prototype artwork of the ladder in the floor appears on the left side of the room.
- If you lose your last
life on the "Catwalk" scene, when Dirk's skeleton crumbles
down, the prototype artwork of the stairs in the hole in the wall appears on the left side.
- This is the description of how you
could get unlimited lives in Dragon's Lair Euro, probably due to a bug in
the program. This cheat has been
tested and confirmed to work on Dragon's Lair Euro Rev.D1, with attract mode
sound enabled in DIP switch settings.
- Start a 2 player game.
- Player 1 must lose a life.
- Player 2 must complete the game (defeat the dragon).
- Now Player 1 has unlimited lives. He will lose all of his lives, but
continue to play with the last life over and over.
The trick works even if Player 2 completes the game with the second or
another life, as long as Player 1 still has a life to play. After the trick
is enabled, every time Player 1 loses a life, the game resumes always from
the same room, even if it has been succesfully completed already. The room
sequencer routine "crashes" so there's the chance a previously completed
room returns to be played.
- When you play the game with
attract sound disabled, only the very first attract sequence is played
correctly. After that, all attract sequences will play longer than expected
and show you a part of the drawbridge scene footage.
- On the Menu Screen, highlight the
option 'Coming Soon'. Then press down 5 times. You can now pick your level
by pressing right the number of the level minus one. For example, press
enter to play level 1. To play level 5, press right 4 times, then press
To play a selected level using 'slow moves', start a regular
game with 'slow moves', then go to the Main Menu and do your level select.
Note: With Level Select, you can directly go to Level 7 (The final
showdown with Mordroc) without collecting any treasure, but if you start on
Levels 2 through 6 and make it all the way up to Level 7, the game will put
you back to Level 1 due to your not collecting enough treasure.
The programmers left a secret Easter Egg that allows you to have unlimited lives. To
access it, wait for the Attract Mode to begin, then hold the joystick DOWN + LEFT
and press the FIRE/ENERGIZE button while inserting your quarters. Release the joystick
and then select 1 player. You will now have unlimited lives until you complete
the game.
- On frame number 32163,
during the final battle
between Borf and Ace, Borf is standing there without his pants. (animation cel painting error)
There are a few secret warps in Thayer's Quest (gameplay spoilers follow):
- Right after
Thayer receives the Hunting Horn, don't choose a place to go; just press the Hunting
Horn key and Thayer will be transported to the Black Keep in Iscar as he uses the
Hunting Horn on the Evil Shades.
- This warp has a slight glitch
with it, but it still works. After Thayer receives the Bow from the Amazons,
press the Bow key. Thayer will be transported to the Hedge Maze in Iscar as he
uses the Bow on it, however here is where the glitch happens. You will not see
the Hedge Maze scene. Instead, you will see the next scene recorded on the disc,
which is Thayer trying to steal the Bow from the Amazons and getting stoned to death,
and then you will also see part of the next scene of Thayer walking towards the
Amazons again. At this point the screen freezes. The game thinks
that it was playing the scene of Thayer using the Bow on the Hedge Maze, but the LD
player never searched to that point. Simply press the "Replay" key,
and the game will then show the Hedge Maze video, and also your next options, and
your game will continue from there.
- After Thayer harvests the
Silver Wheat, press the Crystal key. Thayer will be transported back to the
three elementals in Illes as he uses the Crystal to destroy them.
- This warp is only found in the
alternate ROM set for the game. After Druce gives Thayer his last three spells
and tells Thayer to choose a location in Weigard, choose number 1, which is not
listed. Thayer will be transported to the Last Battlefield in Iscar with the
Silver Wheat present. You can still finish the game from here, but you will
need to travel all the way back to Weigard to do so (after completing Feldon's quest
first). This warp allows you to hear the never-before-heard (while playing the
game) 2nd audio track for the scene of Thayer walking up to the Silver Wheat, since
Thayer will have to come here again at the end of the game. During a normal
game, this scene cannot be reached twice.
- Time Traveler has an
interesting Easter Egg where you can see both Rick Dyer and his son dancing
around. To access this, you must press and hold down both player 1 and
player 2 buttons while pulling down on the joystick. If you press both
player 1 and player 2 buttons while pushing up on the joystick, you will see the
game's designers.
Here are the very
obscure hidden easter eggs in the Hologram Time Traveler DVD from Digital
A few tips:
- This exercise is
not for the impatient!
- Be deliberate when
you press the buttons on the DVD remote.
- In most cases
you'll have to wait for the yellow diamond symbol to appear and
then be quick enough to press the button combo before it goes away.
- For easter eggs found
while playing the game, the DVD will resume gameplay as soon as the easter
egg is finished playing.
Attract Mode
Easter Egg

Wait at the main menu
for 30 seconds until the attract mode starts playing. Whenever you see a clip
that begins with Kyi-La, press UP, LEFT, LEFT, then ENTER. This will trigger
actress LeAnn McVicker's audition video. If the wrong attract clip plays,
return to the main menu (press ENTER on the remote) and wait again until the
correct clip plays on your TV.
Green Screen
Easter Egg

Start a game
normally. Wait for the scene with the "Play" and "Learn" signs. As soon as
the yellow diamond symbol appears in the lower right corner of the screen press
UP, DOWN, UP. This will trigger the behind the scenes video clip of the
crew painting a huge green screen.
Marshal Gram
Easter Egg

Start a game
normally. Wait for the first scene of the very first level (1850). As soon
as the yellow diamond symbol appears in the lower right corner of the screen press
DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT. If done correctly you will see a video interview with actor
Steve Wilbur.
Amazon Queen Easter

At the 50,000 B.C.
stage, wait until you get the scene with the Amazon Queen chasing Marshal Gram (that
ends the level with Gram entering into a transport disc). Now instead of
pressing right like you normally would, press UP, UP, LEFT. This will trigger
a video interview with actor Kevin Mann.
Trader Easter

At the trader clip,
press UP, DOWN, UP. This will trigger a video clip showing the development
team as originally shown in the arcade version's easter egg.
Hellgate Easter

At the hellgate
introductory clip press LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT. This will trigger a video clip with
Ryck Dyer and his son on his shoulders as originally seen in the arcade version's easter egg.
Vulcor Easter

Wait for the scene with
Vulcor holding Kyi-La as a human shield. Instead of ducking the laser fire press
LEFT then UP. Like in previous cases, you'll have to wait for the input rectangle
to appear before you can input this move. This will trigger a video interview
with actor Robert Nanninga.
Kyi-La Easter

Beat the game. Wait for
the scene with Kyi-La running to Marshal Gram's arms. When the yellow diamond
symbol shows up press DOWN, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT. If done correctly it will
trigger a video interview with actress LeAnn McVicker.
- In Us vs. Them, the Easter Egg allows you
to watch the whole disc from start to finish. To do this you must hold the
trigger button in while inserting your coins.
Questions? Comments? Problems? CONTACT US
dragons-lair-project.com was created by Jeff Kinder & Dave Hallock, 1997 - 2025.
All trademarks and copyrighted materials are property of their respective owners.