Dragon's Lair II Virtual Library - Images and information on the major components
Dragon's Lair II - Owner's Manual (USA / Leland) (16 pages)
Dragon's Lair II - Preliminary Owner's Manual (Europe / Brent Leisure) (17 pages)
Dragon's Lair II - Owner's Manual (Australia / Leisure and Allied) (14 pages)
Dragon's Lair II - Schematics (8 pages) - Pages 1-4 are believed to apply to all the world's main PCBs. Monitor, NTSC, and coin are believed to apply to Australia. USE WITH CAUTION
Dragon's Lair II - Pinouts / Info (USA / Leland)
Dragon's Lair II - Game Settings (On-Screen Programming)
Leland advised the following method to enter Service Mode, which differs from the manual.
Press and hold a SWORD BUTTON.
Press the SERVICE BUTTON inside the coin door.
Release both buttons.
Use the JOYSTICK and BUTTONS to navigate the screens and make selections.
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (USA / Leland v2.00) [1]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (USA / Leland v2.11) [2]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (USA / Leland v3.00) [3]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (USA / Leland v3.14) [3]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (USA / Leland v3.15) [3]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (USA / Leland v3.18) [3]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (USA / Leland v3.19) [3]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (Europe / Brent Leisure v3.12) [3]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (Europe / Brent Leisure v3.15) [3]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (Europe / Brent Leisure v3.16) [3]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (Europe / Brent Leisure v3.17) [3]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (Europe / Brent Leisure v3.19) [3]
Dragon's Lair II - ROM Image (Leland hardware / Spanish language v3.19) [4]
Dragon's Lair II LDP Conversion ROM - (for USA / Leland) - Made in 2000, this ROM converts the game to be able to use any of the Sony LDP series players (by removing all text overlays).
Dragon's Lair II Enhancement ROM - (for USA / Cinematronics) - Made in 2015, this ROM allows the original 1983 Dragon's Lair/Space Ace games to play Time Warp.
[1] ROM version 2.00 only works with a prototype dual-sided Dragon's Lair II / Space Ace 1991 laserdisc and a prototype version
of the Dragon's Lair II main board.
[2] ROM version 2.11 only works with the Dragon's Lair II laserdisc part number C-910-00001-00. This is the 1st pressing of the disc.
[3] ROM versions 3.xx work with the Dragon's Lair II laserdisc part number C-910-00002-00, which is the 2nd pressing of the disc.
[4] Spanish ROM version 3.19 compliments the Spanish language laserdisc by displaying the laserdisc player's text overlays in Spanish,
but the ROM can also work with the standard 2nd pressing of the disc.
Compatible Laserdisc Players -
Sony LDP-1450,
Sony LDP-3600D (USA / Leland),
Pioneer LD-V4200 (USA / Leland, uses v2.xx ROMs),
Philips VP380 (Europe / Brent Leisure, and Italy / Elettronolo)
Sony LDP-1450 - Operating Instructions (19 pages)
Sony LDP-1450 - Service Manual (98 pages)
Sony LDP-xxxx - Command Set Info
Philips VP312 and VP380 - Installation and Operation Manual (24 pages)
Philips VP380 - Service Manual (67 pages)
Laserdisc Player Conversion - For the USA/Leland game, the Sony LDP-1450 and LDP-3600
laserdisc players cannot be directly substituted with any other models.
The Dragon's Lair II LDP Conversion ROM is a modified ROM image made in 2000 that lets the game use any of the Sony LDP
series players such as the LDP-1500, LDP-1550, LDP-2000,
and others, at the expense of losing all text overlay functionality.
Aftermarket Laserdisc Player Replacement - The Dexter board is a drop-in replacement that substitutes
for the laserdisc player and plays the video digitally. The text overlays are also produced.
European Versions -
Dragon's Lair II was licensed to Brent Leisure for production and manufacture in most of Europe. The cabinet is very
similar to the Leland release, but the hardware, including the laserdisc player, is totally different. The game was also licensed to Elettronolo for
production and manufacture in Italy. Most of the hardware for the Elettronolo version is the same as the Brent Leisure version, as well as the cabinet itself.
PC Conversion - With a PC connected to
a Sony LDP series player, a Dragon's Lair II laserdisc, and the Dragon's Lair II PC Conversion utility,
you can emulate the USA/Leland version of the game on your computer.
Interchangeability - Late in the production run, sales of Dragon's Lair II also
included a conversion kit for Space Ace (1991). The kit included a Space Ace (1991) laserdisc,
control panel overlay, marquee, two red fire buttons, button labels, and one EPROM (see the Space Ace Tech Center). The
animation stored on the 1991 laserdisc is the same as the original 1983 laserdisc, but the discs are not directly compatible with each other. The video footage is not
aligned on the same track/frame numbers.